Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saving Money on Groceries

I had planned to go grocery shopping today but we had thunderstorms on and off all day and I decided I didn't really feel like leaving the house. It'll have to wait a few days. I clipped coupons for the first time in years and I'm proud of myself. I recently read a couple articles about women who save ridiculous amounts of money using coupons and store discount programs:

If I Didn't See It With My Own Eyes...
This Lady Has a Black Belt in Shopping

The second link is about Stephanie Nelson, aka Coupon Mom. I spent some time on her website and found some useful coupons, but not all of them would print for me. Maybe it's just my computer. I downloaded her ebook on saving money on groceries. Now I just have to actually read it...

Groceries are a huge expense for me. I'm a vegetarian and tend to eat a lot of specialty foods. I prefer to buy organic when possible, and try to stay away from overly-processed foods. Groceries have always been the one thing I let myself indulge in. I'm thrifty about most everything else, but I never like to feel like I'm denying myself when it comes to food. I like to eat! Setting a food budget for myself is going to be a difficult task.

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