Friday, June 27, 2008

July Transportation Challenge

For the month of July, one of my goals is to participate in the transportation challenge from Give Me Back My Five Bucks. My transportation budget for the month will be $80. This should be enough money for me to fill up my tank twice. I'm fairly sure that'll be enough to get me through the month, but we shall see.

This month I've started to track my spending in order to develop a budget for myself, so I'm not sure yet how much I usually spend on things. I've never been one for budgets - I've always just tried to guess-timate when it came to spending. It's worked for me to some etent in that I almost never spend more money than I have and usually have a comfortable cash cushion in my accounts. This past month I've decided to buckle down and really pay attention to where my money is going so that (hopefully) I can get to the point where I'm able to save more. Budgeting can get rather tedious, though. I hope I'll be able to stick with it.

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