Friday, June 27, 2008

Goals for July

  • Transportation challenge - I've set my goal for my July transportation budget at $80
  • Get my free credit report - I've been planning to do this for months but never actually gotten around to it.
  • Begin 403(b) contributions - whether I stay at my current job or accept the other job offer
  • Enroll in online bill pay for car loan - Once I do this it'll make it easier for me to make payments on time and to keep track of how much I have left to pay off.
  • Know my networth - I don't know the exact balances left on all of my loans in order to calculate this. It'll take me some time to get all the information together, but I like the idea of being able to keep track of my worth and (hopefully) watch as it increases!
  • Get my Avon orders in on time - I have trouble with this as I'm a huge procrastinator and, as I've said, a bit apathetic when it comes to the whole Avon thing. But I have to pay a fee each time I turn my orders in late, so I need to get on top of it.

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